Energy Sector
Power, Transport, and Industry are three major sub-sectors under the Energy Sector, while Brick manufacturing, Residential and commercial buildings (energy use), Energy use in Agriculture activities (pumps, tractors, harvesters etc.), and fish farms, F-gases (HCFC use) in air conditioning and refrigeration and Fugitive emission from the gas transmission and distribution systems, flaring in oil/ gas fields etc. are considered as other sub-sectors of the Energy Sector. Energy Sector accounts for 76.33% of total emissions (Source: Overview of Bangladesh’s NDC at COP26, 2021). The highest contribution (24.91% of the total) of GHG emission is found for the Industry (energy) subsector followed by Power (23.24% of the total) and Transport (8.86% of the total) under the Energy Sector. In the unconditional scenario, 26.3 Mt CO2e (95.4%) of this emission reduction will be from the Energy sector.
The Energy Sector held the highest contribution to the total GHG emission at 93.09 Mt CO2e or 55.07% of the total emission in 2012. BAU scenario by 2030 is projected to be 312.54 Mt CO2e (76.34% of the total) in the Energy sector.
2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories - Vol.2 (Energy)
Emission Estimates Energy Sector
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Energy Sector Report 002 Energy Sector Report 001